Orthopedic Pre and Post Operative Pain

12-Week Program

Orthopedic Acupuncture combines Traditional Chinese Medicine with structural and myofascial manipulation to treat pain, soft tissue injuries, postural imbalances, joint replacement, and other general musculoskeletal disorders.  Many surgical patients suffer from pre-operation anxiety and post-operative pain, inflammation, nausea, constipation, vomiting, headache, and fatigue. This 12-week program (6 weeks pre-operation and 6 weeks post-operation) can support you in the following ways.

Positive Outcomes of Acupuncture in Pre- and Post-operative Pain Program

  • Pain management

  • Decrease inflammation

  • Decrease in pre-operative anxiety

  • Reduction of inflammation and swelling

  • Regulation of digestive function

  • Reduction of need to medicate

  • Reduction of scar tissue

  • Decreased healing time

  • Increased rates of full recovery

Contact Stacey with specific guidelines and recommendations for this program.