Pelvic Floor Acupuncture
Pelvic Floor Acupuncture is a very specialized form of acupuncture therapy that should only be provided by a Licensed Acupuncturist trained in this area. Treating a pelvic floor disorder is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Acupuncture does address the whole body, but each person’s treatment plan will be evaluated individually based on main complaint, healthy history and current signs and symptoms. Acupuncture treatment will be preformed in a safe, and respectful environment and needles are ONLY placed on external muscle groups and anatomy.
Here are ways acupuncture can help:
Relax or engage muscles
Reduce and alleviate acute and chronic symptoms
Reduce scar tissue
Improve erectile disfunction
Decrease pelvic nerve pain
Address bladder control issues
Calm the central nervous system to promote an overall sense of wellbeing.